SWSP Segment 3-A1 Update

The Surface Water Supply Project is currently advertising the Segment 3-A1 Construction Project. Work of Contract is construction of approximately 14,000 linear feet of 42-inch diameter waterline with all necessary valves and appurtenances, along a CenterPoint Energy powerline corridor from south of Clay Road to the connection to Segment C located north of Tanner Road. The proposed water line installation will consist of primarily open cut construction; however, trenchless methods are required at crossings of HCFCD facilities, City of Houston (COH) roads, CenterPoint Energy Overhead Power Towers, and crossing of private/public utilities. Additionally, the Work requires installation of air valves, butterfly valves, pre-cast concrete manholes, and cathodic protection facilities, and removal and replacement of existing fencing and pavement surfaces (concrete, asphalt, and gravel).
Sealed Bids, addressed to West Harris County Regional Water Authority, will only be received electronically using the “E-Bidding” function on the CivcastUSA website (www.CivcastUSA.com) until 2:00 PM, Local Time, March 18, 2021 for “Construction of Segment 3, Contract S3-A1 for the West Harris County Regional Water Authority (WHCRWA), Harris County, Texas.” More information is available at http://swsp.link/CIVs3a1
Click here to visit the Segment 3-A1 portion of the Surface Water Supply Project Website