Segment 3 -A3 Construction Update

The Surface Water Supply Project is currently advertising the Segment 3 A3 Construction Project. Scope of Contract is for construction of approximately 8,900 linear feet of 42-inch diameter water lines with all necessary valves and appurtenances, from north of Lakeside Forest Lane to north side of Interstate Highway 10. The proposed water line installation will consist of primarily open cut construction; however, tunnels are required at some crossings of Harris County roads, TxDOT roads, Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) drainage systems, and private pipelines. Additionally, this work necessitates the partial removal and replacement of backslope swales owned and maintained by the CenterPoint Energy.
Sealed Bids, addressed to West Harris County Regional Water Authority, will only be received electronically using the “E Bidding” function on the CivcastUSA website ( until 2:00 PM, Local Time, April 15, 2021 for “Construction of Contract Segment 3 A3 for the West Harris County Regional Water Authority (WHCRWA), Harris County, Texas.” More information is available on CivcastUSA by clicking here.