Update on Drought Conditions

The West Harris County Regional Water Authority (Authority) triggered Stage 1 (voluntary reductions) of its Drought Contingency Plan effective August 10, 2023. The Authority remains in Stage 1 (voluntary reductions) at this time.
Drought conditions in our region continue and have worsened. The City of Houston imposed Stage 2 (mandatory reductions) of its Drought Continency Plan effective August 27, 2023. The Authority purchases surface water from the City of Houston and is carefully monitoring the flow of surface water received at its take-point to determine whether it will be necessary for the Authority to trigger Stage 2 (mandatory reductions) of its Drought Contingency Plan.
While the Authority remains in Stage 1, we request that all water users conserve water as much as possible at this time. Thank you for your cooperation. Follow WHCRWA on social media for our weekly drought monitor reports, visit www.whcrwa.com/drought for up to date drought resources, and visit https://whcrwa.net/20tips for 20 tips on conserving water and energy… and saving money in the process.