The West Harris County Regional Water Authority (WHCRWA or West Authority) was created by the Texas Legislature to identify and secure a long-term supply of quality drinking water at the lowest responsible cost, to promote water conservation, and to facilitate compliance with groundwater reduction strategies and mandates. In 2003, the WHCRWA successfully negotiated a long-term water supply contract with the City of Houston, and design and construction of the necessary transmission lines and facilities began. In 2010, WHCRWA met the first of the Subsidence District’s groundwater reduction mandates by converting to more than 30 percent surface (or alternate) water. The next mandate is to increase surface water usage to 60 percent by 2025.

The West Authority is not a MUD and does not control any MUD operations (delivering water to homes and businesses, sewer services, billing, etc.). The West Authority is a wholesale provider and does not provide retail water services. If you have a question about your retail water or sewer services, please contact your MUD customer service number for information and assistance.

To find out more about what a MUD is and does, go here