All public and private water providers, including municipal utility districts (MUDs), in north and west Harris County are required to meet the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District’s requirement to convert to using 60 percent non-groundwater by 2025 and 80 percent non-groundwater by 2035. They have to meet this requirement whether or not they are part of a larger group, such as the West Harris County Regional Water Authority. If a water provider – or a water authority – does not meet the HGSD’s deadlines, they face paying a fine of $10.78 for every 1,000 gallons of well water pumped from the ground over the amount allowed by the HGSD. Those fines could add up quickly.

Being part of the West Authority’s Groundwater Reduction Plan (GRP), and paying related fees, provide MUDs with compliance of HGSD rules so that MUDs can avoid HGSD’s disincentive fees.